A central theme of the research is that children's behaviors, and more broadly their personalities, cannot be understood without attention to the interpersonal contexts in which they are embedded.
Thus, symptoms, defenses, character structure and personality can be seen as terms describing the individual's typical interactions which occur in response to a particular interpersonal context.
Laing writes of the Song's "serene desperation" in its "attempt at real total contact in any interpersonal context"
Communication Studies: Focuses on human interaction and communicating in real world environments in a broad range of public, interpersonal, and cultural contexts.
But depression occurs within an interpersonal context and affects relationships and the roles of people within those relationships.
Humans are herd animals with an instinctive need to belong to groups, and personal development can only take place in an interpersonal context.
Successes and challenges in understanding information seeking in interpersonal contexts.
Handbook of motivation and cognition: The interpersonal context.
People can capitalize on positive events in an interpersonal context to work toward flourishing relationships.
An increased effort has also been placed to address the interpersonal context of behavior.