She made an appearance in the international mass media spotlight on September 7, 2004, when she ordered Serbian schools to suspend the teaching of evolution unless they introduced creationism.
There continue to be numerous efforts to introduce creationism in US classrooms.
In 1985, the Institute for Creation Research, a United States creationist group, helped advise Turkey's education minister Vehbi Dinçerler on how to introduce creationism in high schools.
"Science teachers could introduce creationism as a theory that some people hold, but that is not based on evidence."
This case, the first federal challenge to such requirements in public schools, has been credited with ending legal efforts by the Intelligent Design movement to introduce creationism into public school curriculum.
The next day, he and Reverend Lovejoy blackmail Principal Skinner into introducing creationism in the school.
One group wants to introduce creationism into the public schools and to elect foes of abortion to local office.
There continues to be scattered and possibly mounting efforts on the part of religious groups throughout Europe to introduce creationism into public education.
In 1985, the ICR helped Turkey's education minister Vehbi Dinçerler, introduce creationism in Turkish high schools.
Sarkar is also a noted critic of creationism and intelligent design and played an important role in combating attempts to introduce creationism into high school curricula in Texas.