He also promoted the introduction of primary education in the province.
With the introduction of formal education many of them have moved up the social ladder.
Established in 1951, it remained small until the introduction of free education in the 1960s.
As a politician he was a staunch Conservative, and opposed the introduction of free education.
After the introduction of free education in the late 1960s, many more people had access to second and third level qualifications.
From 1971, a new school building was taken into use, in time for the introduction of obligatory nine-year education.
One reason for this is the introduction of bilingual education in the 1970s.
It recommended the introduction of free and compulsory education for all Indian children in the 6-11 years age group.
With the introduction of compulsory education in 1825 a second classroom was added.
His most important work as Premier was the introduction of free education in January 1870.