His wife's latest predicament is only the latest in a long line of investigations surrounding Mr. Tiberi, once a close ally of President Jacques Chirac.
The investigation surrounding the case of the former analyst, Jonathan Jay Pollard, has been a source of continuing friction between the United States and Israel.
On 23 August 2007, acting on standard procedures, prosecutors reopened the investigation surrounding the deaths of the Imperial Family.
Right or wrong, the investigations surrounding Dr. Schwartz's claims are shedding light on a contentious and secretive program.
In 2007, Murray suggested that tennis had a match-fixing problem, stating that everyone knows it goes on, in the wake of the investigation surrounding Nikolay Davydenko.
Another notable case, the ongoing investigation surrounding a former state treasurer, Paul J. Silvester, a Republican, will outlive his tenure as United States attorney.
"The investigation surrounding the details of the shooting is still going forward," he said.
We have to finish the investigation surrounding the Infarret dig.
Some people might have been following the investigations and trials surrounding the distribution.
The album tells the story of an investigation surrounding the death of a man named Adam who was murdered in his Harlem loft apartment.