And that is just the process: the results involve sacrificing our future to pay for the Bush tax cuts.
He has basically been hiding too many secrets about murders, trafficking, and many side stories involving sacrificing friendships for money.
It does not involve sacrificing the important principles that underlie those laws.
Our script decisions involved sacrificing delightful characters and situations.
The military leader General Mandible (Gene Hackman) has big dreams that involve sacrificing the little people, to the point where "Antz" invokes the Holocaust with jarring abruptness.
Even making a bicycle lightweight involves sacrificing other features, like stability and handling.
To stand a chance of pulling off a successful swindle, it is important to get the initiative, and this may involve sacrificing a pawn or two, or even the exchange, to activate your pieces.
You maintain control of your business, whereas other options (such as selling stakes in the business) may involve sacrificing some control and a share of the profits.
At the moment Morn couldn't imagine any way to do that which didn't involve sacrificing herself; buying the lives of her companions with her own.
Eventually, he realizes that his only chance to win involves sacrificing one of his knights, played by his sons.