Discharge ionization detectors have generally supplanted them.
Some use ionization detectors, which tend to react a little faster to flaming fires.
In this article, we will examine the two most common types of smoke detectors used today: photoelectric detectors and ionization detectors.
And, we'll also take a look inside an ionization detector.
A proportional counter is a type of gaseous ionization detector that counts particles of ionizing radiation and measures their energy.
The three basic types of gaseous ionization detectors are:
Ionization-type smoke detectors are gaseous ionization detectors in widespread use.
A straw chamber is a type of Gaseous ionization detector.
Garden-variety ionization detectors respond quickly to fast-burning fires but also to cooking smoke.
Neutrons also do not ionize atoms except by direct collision, so gaseous ionization detectors are ineffective.