I won't let my wife and daughter look out of the window,' wrote an irate resident - because the 'travellers'were peeing against the trees (1985 - or 1885?).
At a meeting the next night, about 60 irate residents confronted the selectmen, berating them for poor management and asking them to resign.
But irate residents said they had called the railroad repeatedly to complain.
In the meantime, irate residents in this bustling community of 19,000 have proposed damming the river at the border or piping it to the outskirts of town.
In Miami, 35 suspected crack houses burned down in a two-week period earlier this year; officials believe that many of the fires were caused by irate residents.
Since then, local officials, egged on by irate residents, have tried unsuccessfully to persuade the subsidiary, Atlantic Southeast Airlines, to change the flight time.
At the Mitchell Houses on Alexander Avenue, one enumerator was chased down a hallway by an irate resident.
The Los Angeles Department of Animal Regulation regularly gets calls from irate residents whose cats have become coyote food.
At its next meeting, the board had to answer to dozens of irate residents.
There was a videotape, but the only steam was from irate residents.