This tactic was supposed to isolate Soviet Russia so that communism could not spread and would collapse in on itself.
If so, will it try to isolate Russia?
At first, Government officials dismissed the charges as a political campaign by Republicans in Congress to isolate Russia.
"I believe the best way to get results is by engaging with Russia, not isolating Russia."
Isolating Russia from the civilized world at this critical juncture can only jeopardize the success of democratic reforms there.
"But we have an equal interest in integrating, not isolating Russia."
To isolate Russia or treat it like a defeated power would only bolster the nastiest of nationalists.
There would be quite a few whose Orthodoxy equals nationalism and those who see the Orthodox church as a medieval force isolating Russia.
I disagree that we are isolating Russia.
"Our main task for 2000 is not to allow increased influence of those forces which seek to isolate Russia, using Chechnya as a pretext," he said.