First, it is possible to isolate organisms into linguistically recognized groups called taxa, or classes.
It is getting harder by the day to isolate the various segments of the electronic publishing industry into neat little compartments.
This technique allowed a more systematic study of the phenomenon, because it isolated the complex effects into one stable, predictable bubble.
Block valve stations use valves to isolate the pipeline into independent segments.
"The trick is to isolate each element into a still life," he explains.
In doing this, she finds that Hargrove has managed to isolate "the smell of fear" into a liquid form.
The developers have to be careful to isolate code into modules that do not call from server to server.
This leads to the fusion of the stem and affix where it becomes difficult to isolate the word into its smaller units.
This, slowly but surely, weakened both the body and spiritual resolve of the Welshmen in continuing the struggle isolated so deep into their enemy's territory.
Police officers also used a technique called kettling which involves using orange nets to isolate protesters into smaller groups.