They are issued traditional black helmets and fitted for new turnout gear.
Then they were taken to an area just behind the front lines where they transferred from buses to military trucks and were issued helmets.
The men were issued French helmets and brown leather belts and pouches, although they continued to wear their U.S. uniforms.
These support troops were not issued armor or helmets, but one of them recalls that a magazine tucked inside his clothes protected him from an SMG bullet.
The article further reported that street officers were increasingly being armed with rifles, and issued heavy body armor and ballistic helmets, items traditionally associated with SWAT units.
As the auxiliaries were better organized, they were issued helmets.
The Fallschirmjäger were issued specialist weapons such as the FG 42 and specially designed helmets.
We're issued helmets and riot bombs at seven in the morning, locked in here without any orders-and you smell trouble.