After Niccolò's sister is passed over for a promotion, Niccolò suspects that the jealous suitor is now trying to get to him through his family.
Since America began its love affair with the automobile, trains have been relegated to the position of jealous suitor.
Conflicts arise when each of the six girls turns out to have her own jealous suitor.
Her jealous suitor, carrying a large Bible, looks on.
My police experience tells me something like this is often the work of a jealous suitor.
None indeed but an implacable enemy, a jealous suitor, could have seen such soul-agony without relenting.
Rae and her two jealous suitors no longer held the centre of the stage.
When romancing governors' daughters, they will at one point request the player to defeat a jealous suitor in one-on-one combat.
She'd always been far too clever, and he was perilously close to acting like a jealous suitor.
As a jealous suitor of the sea nymph, Galatea, he kills his rival Acis with a rock.