The monument has free entry, parking for a handful of vehicles, restrooms, and sometimes has Indian jewelry sellers in attendance.
Walking through the Hamidiyeh Souq in Old Damascus, clothing vendors called out "come inside", jewelry sellers encouraged us to "take a look", and ice cream shops beckoned us with their mountains of white fluffy goodness.
The other day, to their mild surprise, Tiffany's executives realized that silver jewelry had become their second-biggest jewelry seller, just after diamonds.
He got to Santa Fe at noon the following day and made his way to the Plaza, driving slowly around it, noting the Indian jewelry sellers displaying their wares on the sidewalk in front of the old Governor's Palace.
Explains the new portion of the FTC's Jewelry Guide that discusses requirements for jewelry sellers when marking and advertising platinum jewelry and disclosures concerning products alloyed with non-precious metals.
Strictly speaking, New York is one big street fair all the time, what with the watch sellers, the jewelry sellers, the chess-for-pay players and the young men who stare into space while muttering a monotonous "Smoke?
Gray watched her go, then did a quick scan of the crowd and decided she was safe enough for the moment He half turned toward the freaky bull-man, dividing his attention between his woman and the jewelry seller.
Vintage jewelry sellers bring Weiss, Marion Haskell, and other popular brands and unsigned pieces.
And it is being tested by a jewelry seller with far greater resources than Ms. Rogers: Tiffany & Company, which has sued eBay for facilitating the trade of counterfeit Tiffany items on the site.
"We tried," said the jewelry seller, sounding a little weary.