He has abdicated the crown jewel that every journalist holds dearest - disseminating the truth.
A journalist held enthralled a group of senators with a description of Mr. Marsh's testimony.
For the journalist holding same name, please refer to Edwin Black.
Do journalists not hold a kind of public trust, and should not the same strictures we put on politicians apply to us?
They also view backpack journalism as a threat to the responsibilities of fair, balanced, and accurate news that journalists hold to their audience.
The soldier- journalist held the trigger back, sending a full-auto blast into two more men who had entered the foyer.
On the day itself, over three hundred journalists held a demonstration in Gaza with their mouths tied and gagged.
The journalist turned a page and held it so to catch the light of the barge's lantern.
There was a time when journalists held their political cards very close to the vest.
From 2005 until 15 December 2007, the journalist and neurologist Nelson Castro held that position.