In one scene, a keeper tells Rollo that Willa liked him.
But the keepers of the gate were on the watch for me and told me that Saruman awaited me.
"The keeper was telling me to put it some way," Beckham said, "but that's the way they play."
The Japanese keeper told us that the money would be given to us when we returned home.
Bob's keeper wasn't telling him all the different kinds of fool he was; he'd still be standing there in the Peshkepiia market square talking if he tried it.
Unlike a number of his showoffy relatives, "he's very, very shy," a keeper in the gorilla house told me.
"These are not pets," their keeper told her.
But when Mr. Bersamin asked about a room, the keeper looked at him, told him no and closed the door.
This woke the others, and the keeper told them it was time to make a move.
It was approaching 9 o'clock when the key was turned in our lock again and the keeper appeared in the door and told me I was wanted.