He said a guide had led him to the house of a man who was known as a paid killer for Al Qaeda.
He was known as a killer; yet one on whom the bulls had pinned nothing.
The Adamic sons of God knew the tiger as a killer among beasts.
The former dentist, by then known as a notorious killer, describes himself deliciously as "a sporting man."
He was known as a killer - a free lance mobster of enviable repute.
He is best known by his reputation and conviction as a prolific serial killer of children.
So did his rep. Cliff was known as a killer.
You only ever knew her as a bounty hunter, and a killer.
"Armageddon," opening on July 1, involves an asteroid known as a "global killer" bearing down - and efforts to destroy it with a nuclear device.
High blood pressure is known as a silent killer, because by the time symptoms of hypertensive heart disease appear, the condition can be life-threatening.