Councilman Smith is best known to his neighbors for following residents to their homes, like a crazy person, and violently screaming at them when he doesn't approve of their driving.
He attended the Kaki Bukit Primary School, and was known simply as "Selamat" to his neighbors.
A bizarre cohabitation develops between the couple and the three women who decide not to make their presence known to their unexpected neighbors.
Not in memory had the Calnar - the people known to their neighbors of other races simply as "the dwarves" - known famine.
Furthermore, our defense modernization programs are transparent and known to our neighbors Peru and Argentina through the confidence-building procedures in existence for many years.
Gennadiy Zanilov was known as an investment banker to his neighbors, always smiling when they chanced to meet in public, never taking time to mingle with them socially.
There were occasions when a speaker known only to his neighbors made a point that upset a bargain already struck in executive session.
I knew a merry widow, to her neighbors quite demure, But all the lads that saw her said, The lady's far from pure.
There are countless people like Mrs. Neang Kin all around Cambodia, living quiet lives among their victims, their backgrounds often well known to their neighbors.
Some even compare her to Doc Hines, the other character known to his neighbors as "crazy" on the subject of blacks.