She was "miserable and lacked self-esteem" but found safety through her "friendship and close rivalry" with Frances.
The Giants were a running team and the receivers suffered from the inattention, lacking both self-esteem and good work habits.
He is a people-pleaser and lacks self-esteem, buying friends on eBay to attend his bachelor party.
Lacks self-esteem and is incredibly gullible, as shown when he believes that Fatty has had an epiphany.
A youngster who lacks self-esteem can be caught in a vicious cycle: "I am no good.
Most of them, in answering questions, said they came from broken or troubled homes, lacked self-esteem or felt depressed, and craved acceptance.
They do TRY to save, but often lack self-esteem when it comes to investing.
Those with a poor body image are also more likely to lack self-confidence and self-esteem, which in turn can impede social, academic and vocational success.
I'm full of self-loathing, and I lack self-esteem.
"Overwhelmed" is a way to define poor mothers who lack education and self-esteem.