In the House debate, several lawmakers accused opponents of spreading the erroneous information that all older Americans would have to pay the maximum surtax.
In the past, lawmakers accused of wrongdoing have routinely been investigated by the Justice Department's public integrity section.
When he tried to enforce a 15-year-old prohibition on candidates using campaign funds to cover personal expenses, some lawmakers accused the commission of being too meddlesome.
Some lawmakers have accused the Weicker administration of boasting about cuts that are not yet nailed down.
Republican lawmakers are accusing their Democratic counterparts of negotiating in bad faith.
The lawmakers accused the Zapatistas of showing no interest in peace.
Traditionally, suburban lawmakers have accused the city of spending too little on its own schools and relying too heavily on state aid.
As banks increase their efforts to distinguish between good and bad credit card customers, lawmakers are accusing them of regional discrimination.
Several lawmakers have accused the traffickers of taking hostages to pressure those rewriting the constitution into banning extraditions.
Many lawmakers have accused the administration of utterly failing to coordinate its postcombat efforts across the executive branch.