On April 1, 2013, lawmakers announced a deal on what they called some of the toughest gun laws in the country.
A few weeks ago, the 11-term lawmaker from Ridgewood announced that she intended to retire at the end of the year.
The deal came two days after lawmakers announced a plan to overhaul the state's workers' compensation system, another divisive issue.
Still, in Congress, where lawmakers have already announced that they will thoroughly review of commodities trading practices, today's report stirred immediate concern.
And a proposal to overhaul the state budget process, which lawmakers announced with fanfare just hours before this year's deadline passed without a budget, has stalled.
On April 18, 2011 a top military officer and a lawmaker announced that the construction of a 500 ton prototype wil begin in 2012.
When the lawmakers announced the rent-regulations agreement on June 16, Mr. Pataki himself said that the base increase was intended to be 20 percent.
In Washington, lawmakers announced plans to investigate Enron's collapse.
The lawmakers announced plans for at least one, and probably more hearings into Freddie Mac, which is conducting an internal investigation into its accounting practices.