But, on the whole, there were not many places where lawmakers could, or even wanted, to claim victory.
The lawmakers claim to have complied, but their bill is a cruel trap for women and doctors and an attempt to deceive the Governor as well.
Senator Byrd and other opponents call the amendment a smokescreen that will allow lawmakers to claim action against the deficit while still postponing hard budgetary decisions.
Many denounced the plan today, while lawmakers from areas where bases will remain open praised Mr. Cheney's wisdom and claimed victory to home state voters.
The lawmakers claim there is no evidence to suggest the Japanese military was directly involved in coercing the women.
That is, lawmakers claim to provide appropriate remedies to protect rights.
It also underscored the complications that arise when several different committees and strong-willed lawmakers claim jurisdiction over various parts of the legislation.
For others, like $1 million in environmental conservation money for Brooklyn Piers 1 through 5, lawmakers claimed ignorance as to their sponsors.
These lawmakers claim that a United Nations' drug agency report attacks needle exchanges as encouraging drug use.
In a political environment in which almost any dispute between two women is still called a catfight, both lawmakers claim to be friends.