Several lawmakers elected into the new parliament have family ties with other lawmakers or other family members in the executive branch of Ukrainian politics.
But gun control is a touchy issue for Democrats, with many new lawmakers elected on pro-gun stances.
The Parliament is made up mostly of lawmakers elected under Mr. Akayev's reign.
In referendum-land, the real question is why such matters aren't left to the lawmakers elected to wrestle with them.
Unless these senior members retire, to be replaced by lawmakers elected from Taiwan, there is no way for the people here to choose their president or to have a voice in policy.
By late 2010 the BYuT faction consisted of 113 lawmakers of the original 156 elected in September 2007.
By late November 2012 the BYuT faction consisted of 97 lawmakers of the original 156 elected in September 2007.
This made her the first black lawmaker elected to represent Florida in Congress since Reconstruction.
Most of the seats in the legislature are now filled by elderly lawmakers elected in 1947 and 1948, when the Nationalist Party still controlled China.
Thus, any raise voted during the 1988 session would apply to lawmakers elected next year and who take office for two-year terms in 1989.