Security officials said they feared that the anti-Wahid protests would widen this week as lawmakers weigh evidence against the president.
To reach overall Pentagon spending levels for next year, lawmakers are weighing cuts in weapons against reductions in personnel, which provide greater savings in the short run.
The White House and key Democratic lawmakers successfully weighed in to get Mark Gearan, the White House communications director, confirmed as head of the Peace Corps, for example.
To many Republicans, voting for articles of impeachment against President Clinton was a recommendation that lawmakers in the full House and Senate weigh the evidence for removing him from office, not that they summarily remove him.
Others said Thursday that Mr. Blunt could not be held responsible for the inability to win a very difficult and consequential vote that lawmakers are weighing carefully.
As lawmakers in Albany weigh trying to restore some of the programs imprudently vetoed by Gov. George Pataki last month, two small items with big implications for fair justice should not be overlooked.
New Scrutiny on Donations In recent days, many lawmakers have been weighing whether to return campaign contributions from donors who might be considered problematic.
The Bell companies are currently embroiled in a political battle in Congress, where lawmakers are weighing legislation that would bar local phone companies from owning the providers of information services.
Some lawmakers are weighing whether to revise provisions that could appear anti-consumer and politically unseemly after a corporate collapse that hurt thousands of workers and investors.
Instead, he said, lawmakers were weighing in on the B.C.S. debate to ensure that "fundamental fairness trumps the fundamentals of good marketing."