A century old practice, public grazing in many areas has recently led environmentalists to decry the practice as harmful to the fragile and unique desert ecosystems.
Reports of a rise in radiation levels within the plant have led environmentalists to suggest that there may be cracks in the reactor's primary container system and that the plant should be shut down for good.
During the early days of the "Stop Lynas" campaign, Fuziah led the local residents and environmentalists in petition collecting, PicBadging, leafleting, briefing and a civil protest movement.
Staff turmoil and uncertainty about the complexion of the commission have led environmentalists to lobby the McGreevey administration for nominees who display a proven interest in conservation, just as builders and developers are clamoring for their own representation.
The paving over of America's landscape has led environmentalists to become increasingly concerned about the high levels of untreated runoff that find their way into estuaries, streams and lakes.
Addington also led the fight with Congress and environmentalists over access to information about corporations that advised the White House on energy policy.
Last week, she and Mr. Lipson led local leaders, environmentalists and an official from the city's Department of Environmental Protection on a tour of the site.
Mr. Fisher's success in discovering treasure and in winning title under traditional admiralty law led environmentalists, historians and archeologists to persuade Congress and states to control salvage.
His unexpected announcement that he would join International Paper as vice president for environmental affairs has led legislators and environmentalists to review his recent decisions through a more critical prism.
This led some European delegates and environmentalists to complain that the accord had been unduly weakened.