It was announced by the Ohio Senate soon after that Republican leadership would not accept the nomination.
Mr. Ito has said he believes that the party's leadership has not accepted the need for sweeping change to recover from the scandal.
The Jewish leadership accepted the plan, including the internationalization of Jerusalem, but the Arabs rejected the proposal.
And I think if the Congressional leadership accepts the challenge, there could be a partnership.
The Jewish leadership in Palestine accepted partition; the Arab leadership did not.
Its leadership accepts that the price for the help is to moderate its behavior in world affairs.
The Armenian leadership largely accepted this, but the peasantry opposed the changes.
In peace negotiations, the Palestinian leadership accepted Israel's sovereignty within its 1967 borders.
The Jewish leadership accepted the partition plan as "the indispensable minimum," glad to gain international recognition but sorry that they did not receive more.
If the political leadership does not accept accountability, then there is no accountability.