"You could be next," the leaflet warned in Arabic.
The leaflet warned that Israel could return "with all necessary might."
The leaflets will also warn them to stay indoors when the one-ton bundles start parachuting to earth at a speed of 90 feet per second.
The leaflet warns women not to believe that it is part of Ugandan custom to accept a beating.
The leaflets warned "enemy" Sunnis to leave now or face "great agony."
One day there was going to be the abortion equivalent of the Nuremberg trials, the leaflets warned.
The leaflets further warn anyone caught soliciting a prostitute in Newark: "We will tow your car.
The leaflet warned me that we were "on the verge of a public blasphemy."
In addition, the leaflets warned the citizens that military action will be taken against those who do not "answer our sincere appeal".
In war zones, leaflets warned local residents that they had to flee.