Farry earned a reputation as an efficient administrator during his stint as league secretary.
The last league secretary was Melvin Atkins, the Grand Rapids Public Schools' Executive Director of Athletics and Activities.
The league commissioner was Fred Swasey of Southeast High School, and the league secretary was Albert Holb of the same school.
Then Manuel Fortoso, the league secretary, who said he had been Edgar's age when he first began playing baseball in Puebla, kneeled over him.
Calder, the league secretary, saw opportunity in the situation.
In the 1948 season the former league secretary unsuccessfully attempted to establish a rebel night competition.
Clubs are reminded of Rule 9 regarding recording of scores and return of same to the league secretary by the allotted time.
He also served as league secretary.
The current league secretary, voted on each year by the league, is Dave Frantz from Northwest High School.
Sounds feasable, I think the official FFL send out weekly stats to the league secretaries, so there would be no need for any research.