She leapt away angrily, hissing at him, drawing her knife, afraid in all her fibres.
The deep voice was thunder now, and the red light in Strahd's eyes leaped angrily.
He leaped angrily to his feet.
Cal did not speak, but Veg's pulses leaped angrily.
Elric angrily leapt to his feet, drawing Stormbringer.
Karle leapt angrily to his feet.
Barngate leaped forward angrily and slashed the agent across the face with his blaster, sending him reeling backward.
A bereaved young groom is comforted by his friend and leaps angrily at a drunken musician who fails to understand his loss.
Robin hails a cab, stealing it from a woman carrying bags who then angrily leaps on top of the windshield.
Caligula leaped angrily from his seat: "I wish you had only a single neck.