They appeared tolerably interested, but showed no tendency to leap excitedly to our assistance.
He leaped excitedly to his feet as Pike dumped the muffled victim to the stone floor.
'Better than most,' he confirmed, and Fabia's heart leapt excitedly.
A young man leaped to his feet excitedly.
They gasped as she leaped up and down excitedly, shrieking, "Finish them off!
Lindy leapt excitedly in the air and cheered.
He began to bark loudly, and leapt excitedly up at everyone as they came in.
The dog weaves in and out, leaping excitedly, then suddenly he stops, pointing towards the girl waiting under the tree, his hackles rising.
He jumped from the table and leaped excitedly around his master's legs.
Over the heather scrambled the four, with Timmy excitedly leaping about, too.