The sword, of course, immediately leapt joyously into flame.
The dog, emerging from the trees and about to leap joyously in Cormack's direction, gave a gargled agonised yelp and arched over on to its back.
In the end he stopped and then ran to the children and leaped upon them joyously.
The dolphin leapt joyously out of the water, splashed down, then emerged again with his head thrusting up eagerly.
I leapt joyously and I lifted my Juliet high in the air.
The White Sox players leaped joyously from their dugout, crashing into each other and bouncing together at the plate as Podsednik trotted into the throng.
He reached up and took down his father's sword, which leaped joyously into bright blue flame.
The Orb leaped joyously into flame.
Galilee and leaped joyously like one demented, as if he felt coming through the soles of his feet the strange and lyric message of the land.
Now the dogs were out, leaping joyously at the sight of all the children home from school.