Vague figures leaped forward simultaneously.
Neysa tripped forward, lowering her body-then reared and leaped simultaneously.
Then, on cue, they simultaneously leapt at one another, each trying to penetrate the defensive barriers that kept their minds apart.
They simultaneously leaped from their seats, Bartholemew going for a weapon and Markhe moving toward Connor and the door.
Turner cried, simultaneously leaping mightily backwards, away from the thing's descending hand.
As he moved from the corner, all the blackness of it seemed to come out with him and to leap simultaneously into lights.
As they saw him, fifty men leap simultaneously to their feet, swords coming out, voices raised in warning.
The moment that we were in reach of them we leaped for them simultaneously.
I turned to Ur Jan. "When the door is opened, two of us must leap into the cabin simultaneously on the chance that we may take them by surprise.
She opened her eyes and leapt to her feet simultaneously, falling into a defensive pose, but just as ready to attack as to de- fend.