Little is known of him other than he was a doctor who died at age 48, leaving Charlotte and her mother without much money.
Lemons left Charlotte after the 2010 season.
He died in Augusta, Maine, leaving his wife Charlotte and four daughters.
"You go on influencing the King, my love; and leave Charlotte to me."
At 17, Sifford left Charlotte and began competing with the best black golfers of his day.
That left Charlotte with little time to set up a final shot.
I stood up and left Charlotte to her son and the medical crew.
After all, in his later life he liked to say that he "never left Charlotte, except physically."
The secretary's head bobbed, and she quietly pulled the door closed, leaving Charlotte alone in her office.
The result was Colson's 3-point, 1-for-13 shooting day that left Charlotte in an unenviable hole.