I promise to leave strands of your hair at every crime I commit hereafter.
That evening, I forgot to turn off the water heater after a quick and stealthy bath and compounded the error by leaving strands of hair in the plughole.
She preferred this unfashionable style because it left few loose strands to catch on branches and twigs.
Since the LTRs have the same sequence they will leave complementary strands exposed if they are removed.
And not by a knife, because a knife sharp enough to sever joints did not leave stringy strands of flesh.
As the smaller larvae move about they leave strands of silk behind, netting the leaves with a silvery film.
The slim trees bowed out of her way or broke, leaving long strands of willow-leaves draped across her shoulders.
Her face was the creased bark of the oldest oak, her hair had thinned almost to baldness, leaving white strands trailing from a pink scalp.
"She'd been in my car dozens of times," Allison said, "so I didn't care if she left strands of hair or fabric behind her."
It could not usually be bought as such, but instead prepared by leaving several strands of liquorice to diffuse in water for a period of time before drinking.