Prime Minister P. V. Narasimha Rao has already slowed down economic liberalization and, if he wins the election, will probably govern with a left-of-center coalition of parties that have criticized him for neglecting the poor.
But the left-of-center Democratic Convergent coalition, making its first serious bid for electoral power, also claims to have finished third.
The left-of-center coalition of Social Democrats and Greens ended up pushing for deeper tax cuts, while the Christian Democrats fought to protect state subsidies for people who build houses and commute to work.
Early signs were that the disputes had been papered over enough for dovish members of Parliament to give up their earlier threats to quit Labor and link up with small parties to form a broad left-of-center coalition.
He set up a left-of-center coalition with Socialists and Christian Democrats.
"Berlusconi created a culture built around the idea of success, personal wealth and material well-being," says Mauro Paissan, a member of Parliament with the left-of-center coalition.
Filling a Vacuum Many here have interpreted Mr. Handal's run simply as a result of the need among the left-of-center coalition to fill a vacuum in its slate.
His United National Party, a conservative grouping that had governed for 17 years, narrowly lost a general election in August to a left-of-center coalition headed by Mrs. Kumaratunga.
"The return to the status quo that existed before August 1990 is rejected," said Kuwait's Education Minister, Ahmad A. al-Rubai, a member of parliament representing the left-of-center coalition of former Arab nationalists.
And tensions are emerging in the left-of-center governing coalition, with most Christian Democrats supporting the President's strong defense of General Pinochet and most Socialists quietly applauding the arrest.