They are now scrambling to put together a broad left-right coalition and hint that the military could somehow step in to defend Ataturk's secular legacy.
But in this new play, Italian parties are still wearing their old masks, and are jumbled together in left-right coalitions that make no real sense.
A left-right coalition spanning political ideologies has launched a campaign where individuals can add their name to a petition urging Congress to enact strong privacy protections.
Even so, a left-right coalition of House members introduced legislation today to withdraw normal trade privileges for the world's most populous nation.
In 2007 Watson addressed the ELDR congress stating he wished to break the current left-right grand coalition.
The left-right coalition, if it comes off, will be the first time the Christian Democrats have been left out of power for 75 years.
If confirmed, the left-right coalition will mark the first time the Christian Democrats have been left out of power for 75 years.
After all, the reds and blacks only got together in their highly unusual left-right coalition in 1986 in order to keep Mr. Haider from power.
He stuck to austerity as the Finance Minister from 1989 to 1994, the year he became Prime Minister as leader of a left-right coalition.
Prison Fellowship was a major force in another left-right coalition that developed legistlation to focus prisons on preparing inmates to successfully return to their communities.