Nevada is drowning in red ink, and legislators face a constitutional deadline to balance the books by July 1.
Talking about job growth is easier and more optimistic than talking about debt, especially in a year in which all 120 legislators face the voters.
Poland's legislators face a wrenching choice this week as they take up a bill that would ban abortion, this country's leading form of birth control.
All 211 legislators face election challenges on that day.
The legislators face a March 4 deadline to adopt a new map.
The legislators will face other tough issues, particularly on the economic side.
Q. Is the legislature going to cooperate less with the Governor this year because he, as well as legislators, face election in two years?
Since all the legislators face re-election this year, they are intent on achieving an on-time budget.
This year all 120 legislators face re-election.
Palestinian legislators face elections next July for the first time in nine years.