But his campaign manager, Assemblyman John Faso of Kinderhook, acknowledged that even Republican legislators would resist a ban on any more state school aid.
The public hearings, which seem to be attracting smaller audiences than in previous years, have included county residents asking the legislators to resist entreaties to restore cuts.
But legislators have resisted, saying his insistence reflects unpatriotic doubts about the military Government's ability to run the canal.
There will be great pressure to make a political choice, but legislators should resist that instinct and vote for the most able and independent candidate.
Such a plan requires legislative approval in Albany, which could be difficult because the tax would apply to both residents and commuters, and upstate legislators usually resist raising commuter taxes.
Under such pressure, how many legislators can resist seemingly innocuous legislation?
Efforts to close New York's huge budget gap were never destined to go smoothly; legislators always resist budget cuts, especially nearing an election year.
Business and labor groups and a key legislator are resisting the effort.
As in Alabama, rural minorities held control in many state legislatures long after population had shifted to industrializing cities, and the legislators resisted business and modernizing interests.
"In fact, they were so sweet that most legislators couldn't resist them."