But he said incidents like drive-by shootings a few years ago created a "climate ripe" for legislators to support the measures.
And he predicted the Nets arena project would be the main reason legislators would support the measure.
But many Republican legislators support abortion rights - and this year, for the first time, the party's platform and gubernatorial candidate did, too.
Public schools could operate like that if legislators would support them and liberate them.
In New Hampshire's legislature, even some anti-abortion legislators support the resolution, saying the issue is freedom of choice in medical treatment.
But critics say many Republican legislators support the plan because they want to pump jobs into their districts.
Even most Democratic legislators supported spending any requisite funds on cryonics for the law-abiding poor instead.
At this point, it's not clear that Democratic legislators will wholeheartedly support the governor's reform agenda, especially with elections scheduled for November 2007.
Yes, legislators can support a measure because they believe in its merits.
She became a dedicated lobbyist, frequently traveling to Albany and Washington to persuade legislators to support breast cancer issues.