For one thing, few legislators until recently had taken a close look at how the weapon production system is operated.
Voting on legislation is the most important official action a legislator takes.
As in some of those states, Florida's legislators take the position that it's no fun to have a gun if you can't use it.
But the legislators could take that step if they get their dander up.
In New York, legislators have taken limited action on the issue.
And great legislators who know the mean should take heed of the danger.
But legislators should also take action to end basic tax avoidance by means of offshore companies.
Instead, legislators took some $52 million from the tax-relief plan to balance the state's $6.3 billion budget.
Democratic legislators will take their time deciding what to do about the governor's agenda.
But after shouting at each other for more than hour, the legislators did not take any action either.