Palestinian Authority: Palestinian Prime Minister Mahmoud Abbas threatens to quit if the Palestinian legislature does not endorse his government and its policies at a session scheduled for Thursday.
Q. You have vetoed a plan to move the West Hartford campus to downtown Hartford, which the legislature endorsed.
Instead of supporting a resolution calling on Moscow to cancel plans to amend the Soviet Constitution, the legislature endorsed an appeal to Moscow to modify its plans so they would not undermine local rule.
According to the Peruvian Foreign Ministry, the Chilean legislatures had endorsed a plan regarding the Arica and Parinacota region which did not comply with the current established territorial demarcation.
New Jersey now uses sequential lineups, and legislatures or commissions in California, North Carolina, Virginia and Wisconsin have endorsed them.
The bill would allow New York, New Jersey and Maryland - whose legislatures have endorsed the compact - to join the Northeast compact immediately.
By 393 votes to 4, the legislature endorsed a parliamentary investigation that found Mr. Wahid had lied and abused his powers in two financial schemes involving millions of dollars.
What is needed is a new formula that redresses forever the disparities that successive governors and legislatures have endorsed.
Gov. M. Jodi Rell initiated the program in 1999, and the legislature endorsed it in 2000.
She noted that "no legislature in this country has affirmatively and unequivocally endorsed" capital punishment for 15-year-olds, although 19 states "authorize capital punishment without setting any statutory minimum age."