He opened things up, in typical Marcus Hale style, with a lengthy editorial, though he probably would have preferred to call it analysis.
He is more diplomatic in describing Mr. Kalnoky's newspaper, but he does complain about its sometimes lengthy editorials.
It was known for its strong emphasis on technical articles and for the lengthy editorials in each issue by its founder and publisher, Wayne Green.
This Thursday saw Wieseltier's response: a lengthy and characteristically splenetic editorial in defense of critical spleen.
The BM7 intervened swiftly with a lengthy editorial, bringing the profession out strongly against eugenics.
The 1500 edition had a lengthy editorial praising Walton, and some letters that Percy swore were genuine, doing the same.
He wrote a lengthy editorial on Gardner's legacy as "Mr. Shreveport" when the councilman decided not to seek reelection in 1982.
A lengthy editorial this morning in Al Ahram, the main Government newspaper, offered seven reasons for the visit, saying that on balance it had been justified by "the exceptional situation."
If the intent was to provide a lengthy editorial and a persuasive argument for abandoning the Unix System, it was a credible effort.
The lengthy editorial was titled: "Why We Recommend a Vote for Paul Martin."