Lawmakers favoring states' rights on liability standards couched the debate today in terms of the interests of oil companies against the "average citizen."
Within the common law tradition general liability standards are limited to damages arising in the use or application of robots; the person using or applying the robot has general liability.
Most issues have been resolved, but the two houses remain at loggerheads over two points - double-hulled tankers and international liability standards.
The Senate rightly argues that those provisions would limit the authority of states to set their own liability standards.
The House voted by a margin of 2 to 1 last fall to protect states against Federal pre-emption when the state has a more stringent liability standard.
The court applied a strict liability standard to the asbestos cases, saying simply that, if a manufacturer made a product and it injured someone, the company was liable.
Yes, the House of Representatives provisions would limit the authority of states to set their own liability standards.
When thousands of vaccine recipients suffered nerve and muscle damage, they were able to prevail against the government under a fairly simple liability standard.
In doing so, the exchanges may have created an unlikely and surprising downside, making their advertising efforts subject to the same liability standards that would apply to any brokerage firm, bank or other for-profit financial business.
He criticized a proposal to set new liability standards that could be used against the holders of mortgage-backed securities, saying it would promote a wave of new litigation.