But one morning, his signal read as if he was lying inactive somewhere in the forest and I really got worried.
There was a numbing quality to lying inactive under a blazing sun, sweating constantly but gaining little cooling from its almost immediate evaporation.
The virus lies inactive in the nerve cells until something triggers it to become active again.
When I remonstrated with him that he required rest after his ordeal, he snapped back: "I have lain inactive quite enough during the past forty hours, I assure you!"
The mud volcano now lies inactive where the eruption took place.
Perhaps all over the vast Bander estate, robots were standing and lying inactive and it would be that that would quickly be noted at the borders.
After lying inactive for more than two years, the ship was slated for conversion to an escort destroyer (DDE).
It lies inactive in the system until made effective by a sharp blow on a nerve center.
Is it another Bermuda Triangle lying inactive for centuries - or is it the sinister creation of the Evil Empire?
Once you have had chickenpox, the virus lies inactive in your nerve roots and remains inactive until, in some people, it flares up again.