It also left lifelong scars on the survivors.
In one notable instance, a local man stabbed Cullmann in the head during an assassination attempt, an attack he survived but which left a lifelong scar.
There he trained in fencing that left lifelong scars on his face.
Sexual abuse leaves lifelong emotional scars.
In 1945, she was involved in a plane crash which left her with lifelong scars.
His father's actions resulted in Mehmed cutting his head, which left him with a lifelong scar.
Acne can leave lifelong scars, both physical and emotional.
The sampled larvae recover and mature into ants, but they bear lifelong scars of their early bloodletting.
The reason that I am particularly concerned about youth unemployment is that there is a risk of it leaving a lifelong scar on the individual and on society.
And the series of procedures can take years to complete and leave lifelong scars - and that's if all goes well.