For example, the alphabet stresses the sense of sight, which in turn causes us to think in linear, objective terms.
Look at the illustration on page 132 as an example of life in linear terms as we usually perceive it.
This phenomenon occurs because when dividing the fraction, there will be a linear term, and a remainder.
What we shall do is solve where only terms linear in are retained.
The bifurcation equation has a Taylor expansion which lacks the constant and linear terms.
Indeed, until cartography had reached a certain level of development it was very difficult to think of frontiers at all in these linear terms.
Higher order linear terms are also possible.
Old media often miss the computer's cultural impact because we see stories in, well, linear terms, as morality plays with clear plots.
On the other hand, the linear term is negligible when the analysis rely only on big strains.
Clearly, even in the simplest linear terms, the concept primitive is a relative one.