Clare's voice sounded thick around the edges, and it lingered afterward in the air between us.
But it lingered in local conversations for days afterward because it also told us just how small a piece of the universe we are.
Whatever questions lingered afterward, none of them involved the quality of the quarterback the Panthers unearthed this season.
If I didn't allow myself to linger in his arms afterward, surely my emotions would be safe.
However, it would take over an hour to clear the scents from the theater, and some smells would linger for days afterward.
Not knowing what else to do, I simply froze as the silence afterward lingered.
But he didn't turn until Vosin had departed in a burst of light that lingered afterward, lighting space like a new star.
The smell lingered on the New York street for days afterward.
Every time she visited them, the love and happiness lingered with her for weeks afterward.
He stood lingering a moment afterward, trying to look friendly and interested.