The woman with the long dark hair lingered along the edges of his mind.
For these men who hire the young, an abundance of prey still lingers along the streets, at bus stations, in bars.
Yet the fear and the anger linger along the postal routes of New Jersey.
Her hand lingered along his ruddy cheek, then dropped away.
No new snow had fallen in the night, though the fringe ice lingered along the creek's edge.
Her fingers lingered along the line of his shoulders as she passed behind him.
The time was early evening; sunset color still lingered along the estuary.
By yesterday, they said, it had moved past Westchester and still lingered along the Connecticut coast.
She was grateful for the smell of dappleback meat that lingered in the air along the path.
No one was sure where or whether the Vellant'im lingered along the river.