The police lingered nearby.
He covered his work whenever any human or urs passed close but seemed not to mind that Prity lingered nearby, after bringing his meal.
All the womeb closer to him, talking, while three young noblemen, one o them a Shemshy kinsman from his strong resemblance to the Duke also lingered nearby.
Leyoro let Berglund take tactical, but lingered nearby, looking like she might want to argue the point with Riker.
There was nothing left to fall and so generate the synchrotron flux of energy that might fry even an armored Five if it lingered too long nearby.
A few late passengers came aboard, a couple lingered for hours at the rail nearby.
Even the lythari clan lingered nearby, listening to the planning.
Some of them won't have far to go, since they linger nearby.
Data leaned over the railing, ignoring the Trill tourists who still lingered nearby, probably hoping for another game to start soon.
But such abstract subjects didn't linger long in his mind with Anne Wane nearby.