It was dawn by three in the morning, and twilight lingered till nine at night.
The language lingered on till the late 19th century in the larger Wampanoag communities, but a few 'rememberers' of the language persisted into the early 20th century.
While all happy memories linger, till the closing of our day.
When the sun emerged after a day of rain, it seemed to shine with a special intensity and to linger till nearly midnight.
Linger not till the third horn.
It was the premier vihara of its kind and its fame lingered till the 11th century AD.
He might die at any moment, or linger like this till Midsummer.
Here he lingered till autumn, in the house of Benet, a Cheapside linen draper.
The moa lingered on in Otago till the beginning of the eighteenth century.
They linger in bloom there till the middle of July.