This time the union does not plan to endorse until the end of the primaries, allowing the locals to support their favored candidates.
The city went with the plan, and locals supported the plaza.
While some locals supported development, arguing that the area already has enough parkland, most were against it.
Not only that even the locals don't support the investigation.
As many as 110 locals officially supported the call for a general strike to begin on February 6, 1919, at 10:00 am.
All the bakeries eventually failed except the one here, where locals have fiercely supported it for decades.
"You have to remember," she said, "in New Orleans the locals support the restaurants."
The project could still be completed despite the fact that many locals do not support the project.
Similarly locals cannot normally support the weight of regulation carried by the larger trading firms.
Some locals in the area support some kind of independence from Thailand, while others clearly do not.