Behind the palace is a long balcony lined with flowers boxes.
At the far end, the hall opened onto a long balcony.
People laughed, and gradually began to depart the long balcony.
Squinting against the sun, he could make out three figures on the long balcony.
On the long balcony of the white house two men and a girl watched the spidery black figure mounting the steps.
There were four figures on the long balcony, one of them a little apart from the rest.
There was a long balcony through a set of doors.
The stairs ended in a long balcony, with hallways running into the distance to either side.
She and Wainer were on a long balcony looking down the other side of the ridge.
Before I can say another word, she takes off, darting farther around the long, curved balcony.